Wedding vent #1: Chiviari chairs

So this is going to be a venting post about something that has been on the back of my mind. Since the start of the planning process, pictures like these have always appealed to me. They symbolize the beauty and the coming together of a long and arduous process.
What appeal to me about this picture? The lush blossoms that sit in the center of the table. The chiviari chairs surrounding them create these beautiful majestic feel. My problem with it? I can't have the same thing. A long time ago, I have decided that our budget will not allow for additional spending on flowers and chiviari chairs. If there is anything that we have to spend extra for that should have came with the venue, we will not be forking out the money for. Still my heart skips a beat when I see pictures like these. In the end, I come to term with it by telling myself that most of the guests will not remember what chairs they sit on and what flowers are on the table. Ok, but that's from the guests' perspective. What about the bride's perspective? More importantly, what about my perspectives? Well, I'm hoping that on the day of, I would be more immerse in the marriage to my wonderful fiance than what the tablescape looks like. Brides sometimes fork out thousands and thousands of dollars just so there are pictures like these to last them a lifetime. But that is my only qualm about it, is that they are simply pictures. Pictures that will probably be included in the wedding photobook, that would be shown to some guests, who probably don't even care what your wedding looks like when it's all said and done. They are looking in your photobook to see the bride and the groom.

Anyways, no offense to those brides that went the extra miles and spent the extra money to get an atmosphere like these. It's just that I don't have the money to spend, and though I'm a little resentful, I have to come to term with it.

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