Birthday celebrations

I left work a little earlier last night to make it through traffic to celebrate Joe's birthday. However, as I was about ready to leave, a teleconference meeting came up where I had to rush home by 6 (mind you fighting a 50 minute commute to go 13 miles, don't you just love California's traffic?). I got into the house exactly at 5:55 and rushed upstairs to dial the Philippines number. Luckily, the meeting was only about 20 minutes.

I let Joe open his present before we headed to dinner. I got him (or us) matching toothbrushes. These aren't just ordinary toothbrushes, they are Phillip Sonicare toothbrushes.
I admit, these are very practical gifts, but we're all for practical these days because of the wedding. We figure we will have more room for other things when the wedding is over. We used them last night and I love it! Joe was a little skeptical at first since it is very practical and they're expensive, but he also loved it after the first try. Success!

After opening the gifts, we headed to Cheesecake Factory and had the birthday meal there. We had fun, it was low key, no birthday song, just each other's company on a glorious and cold night!

When we got home, my sister and roommate Tera got home and gave him his gift. It was a really cute hoodie, perfect for the mountain when we go snowboarding. Then her boyfriend, David (who works Lunardi's bakery shop) came over with a customized cake that he designed himself. It was so sweet! Joe loves the Eagles so it's only fitting! I love it! David did a great job decorating the cake.
It just so happened that 12/16 was also David's birthday. Since we didn't have a chance to celebrate it with him, we make the both of them blow out the candle. We didn't have any birthday candle around the house, so we just use a make shift regular candle, lit it up and make the both of them blow it out after singing the birthday song. It's so cute.
Happy birthday darling! May your 27th year be just as great as the past 26 years.

Also, happy birthday David!

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