Wedding vent #2: Wedding drama

With a 1 year engagement, to date, I have not experienced any drama that came with having a big bridal party or guest list or anything of that sort yet. With only 2.5 months left to go, I thought I was at the home stretch and avoided it altogether. Boy was I wrong.

My sister and maid of honor had volunteered to throw me a bridal shower on 1/31/2009. I don't think she really has her heart into it. I know she wants to, and her intentions are good, but I don't know if she knows the extent that goes into it. She volunteered when I started to plan for my friend's bridal shower as I am the maid of honor in that wedding. Then she realized what the title maid of honor entails. I think the party stem from that obligation. I don't care very much for it. It can happen or not happen. It's not that important to me. Besides, my bachelorette party has been booked. But, my bachelorette party was thrown by my other bridesmaids, which makes Tera feel all the more obligated to do something for me as a maid of honor. So, we set a date. Fast forward to 1 month away from the party, drama happened.

Two of my friends and my sister do not get along due to some past history. Needless to say, when I gave Tera my guest list, she doesn't want to include these two people based on a very recent drama between the two of them at a club when people have too much to drink. So, coupling previous bad blood with recent problems, Tera announced that she will not invite them because she's the one hosting the party. That is perfectly fine and it's completely within her rights to do so. But since it is a party for me, and I'm still civil (even friends) with these two girls, I want them there. I refuse to be one of those people that burn friendships due to other people in my life not getting along with my friends. We are all adults and we should be able to exist in harmony. If they respect me at all, they will exist in harmony with each other for my sake. Otherwise, the party is canceled. So, I told Tera that it is my wish for the party to cancel.

I don't have any bad feelings about it. Everybody else's drama can be dealt with by them. I don't want to get in the middle of this. I don't want to force people to be with each other for my sake. I don't want to have to try and comfort anybody due to some bad blood. So, bridal shower is canceled. My bachelorette party is a place where I get to celebrate my wedding, drama free with the people I want there most. That's all there is to it.

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