Happy birthday, my beloved!

Today is Joe's 26th birthday. I whispered him a little happy birthday wish at 4am as he was heading out for work. We will be celebrating it with an intimate dinner with just the two of us at a restaurant of his choice. I will probably give him his gift before we head to dinner.

It's a special occasion for him and he never really celebrated birthdays for the past few years since he's been in the military. He's always been on the go and is never close to any family or friends. Today, it is a reminder to me how wonderfully sweet life is to bring two people who were born from such different backgrounds half way around the world from each other. I'm reminded of the gift that was bestowed onto me. I'm humbled by it. I am committed to forever love this man, who does not make it hard at all. Happy birthday, darling.

1 comment:

Gerritnow said...

Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...