Wedding jewelries - check

My recent obsession of the week was wedding jewelry. When I have my heart set on something, I can't get it out of my mind until it is accomplished. So I blogged and blogged about them (1, 2). So over the weekend, while Joe and I were Christmas shopping, we headed to Nordstrom due to a discussion with Joe the previous night about my wedding jewelry. Joe was a good sport about it and indulged me in this little endeavor. What's more great is that he cave and let me purchased a $138 Nadri tiered earrings that I've been eying. I know they're expensive for just a piece of fake jewelry, but they have so much sass and I think will add so much to my look on the wedding day. So here they are safely in my hands:
As noted earlier, Joe actually had his eyes on another pair (last pair in this post), but I thought it was too understated for the reception. I do agree that they would fit very nicely at the ceremony. So, while I did not purchase another Nadri pair of earrings (that would just be spoiled), I did find something similar and Joe like a lot for $38 at Nordstrom.
So instead of being a two dress/veil bride, I am a two earrings bride which will be switched between the ceremony and the reception. Yet another task to put on the list for the maid of honor to do (remind me to switch out earrings!).

The great thing was that we also found Joe a shirt to wear with his suit. Even better was that it was on sale. We purchased it at Express Men for $29.99, taking full advantage of the Christmas sale of 50% off of all button down shirts. I love a good deal! Two things crossed off the to do list, only 325,329,432,897,432 left to do in 80 days...eekkkk!

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