Home made wreath

As previously posted, I was planning to make a homemade wreath to use over Christmas and to be used later in February for my friend's baby shower that I'm hosting. So, with only a few days remaining until Christmas, the ribbons arrived and I got started right away, engaging the help of my maid of honor to cut the ribbons to length, and my fiance to heat up the stripes' ends with a flame to seal them so they do not fray. I was in charge of tying the ribbon to the foam wreath. The cost of this beautiful masterpiece was $15 ($5 for the 18" foam wreath from Michael's and $11 for 1.5" wide ribbon from PaperMart). Though I purchased double sided satin ribbon by mistake, it's a really really good mistake because it helps a lot while I tied the stripes because I don't have to mind which side I'm tying it on.

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