Lacy snowflake or star

I was stalking How About Orange again and found these cool lacy 3-D'ish star or snowflake and I couldn't help but think bridal shower decorations.
Instructions is as follows, obtained from [here]
  1. download these templates: large snowflake template and small snowflake template.
  2. print enough to have 6 squares
  3. Cut out the squares and cut along the lines with an X-acto knife.
  4. For each square, bend the tips of the inner-most flaps toward each other and curl with your fingers to make them stay.
  5. Moving outward from the center, bend the next pair of flaps around in the opposite direction until they meet.
  6. Overlap ends and secure with double-stick tape.
  7. Do the same for each concentric pair of flaps, alternating directions and taping ends together.
  8. Make the remaining 5 squares the same way, then tape all 6 points together to form a snowflake.

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