
Yesterday, I came home from work to a big box of votive candle from Cudge.net. I found Cudge via weddingbee and they are by far the cheapest seller of votive candles I found, even with a high shipping cost. I purchased 72 votive candle holders and candle for approximately $50 with shipping. I was surprised by the quality of the glass, even if I'm not completely thrilled with the quality of the candles. At least they are fragrant-less.

I have been waiting for it to arrive as it is one of those projects that I just want to complete before everything hits the fan. I'm happy to say that all 72 votive candles are completed, with the help of the wonderful man that I'm marrying and the best maid of honor ever. We were able to finish it within the time that the Eagles vs. Browns monday night football game.
Votive when they arrived
Joe was tasked with cutting strips of ribbons that was long enough to go around the votive. Tera was charged with cutting pieces of double sided tape while I put the tape on the strips of ribbon. I found these great double sided tapes that works wonders on all types of medium, the only downfall is that there is no good tape dispenser to go with it. So I have been using this tape on all my wedding projects, but they are a pain to cut to size. I find it best if you have someone doing the cutting while another person doing the assembly. It is the most efficient process yet. Maybe I'm just too darn cheap to invest in better dispensed tapes.
The ribbon was previously made before the candles arrived. They are really easy. Just cut a strip of tape to the desired size. Tape it down in the middle to form an infinity. Cut another smaller piece of ribbon and cover the middle part for a finished look.
Adhere the ribbon to the votive candle near the bottom. The great thing about these votive is that they are the same diameter from top to bottom. Most other votive are bigger at the top and are more narrow at the bottom. Those are not good for this projects as the ribbon will not fit the candles at the bottom, making it look more messy than beautiful. Something to consider if you ever take on this task. I knew from the beginning that I want to do this with the votive to make add a pop of color, so I always kept this in mind when I searched for votive.
Attach a piece of tape to the bow like so.
Adhere the bow to the votive at the point where the ribbons meet. This was done by the maid of honor.
Voila! A close up.
We had a field day setting this up for the photoshoot. A heart for love.

A christmas tree for the holiday season.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Love this simple but wow idea :-)