I'll take a passport with my honeymoon please

Joe and I have been looking at our honeymoon in Cabo since we can't afford to go far. So far so good as we found a pretty good deal for $2,500 for 7 nights stay including flight. However, we have been putting off the booking since we don't have passports. Joe never got a passport and with my recent name legal name change, I have to get an updated one.

Today, Joe came home from work early at around 3pm and we braved the line at the local post office to get our passports. It was pretty painless except for being $200 lighter, we were in and out of there within 1 hour. I thought it would have been much more.

So, we went straight home after hitting up the Victoria's Secret semi annual sale where I got 3 bras and 2 panties for $90 (it's a steal). We booked our honeymoon!

They say we can expect our passports within 4 weeks, I'm hoping that this process will be painless and no problem will arise from it. For now, I will keep my fingers crossed!

Wedding color inspiration

I saw this wedding inspiration over at Pearls Events and I thought it is perfect to depict our wedding, without me having to make one for myself. It is the perfect color and it is the perfect incorporation of damask.

Free Banner

Found this great freebie by Martha Stewart over at Vintage Glam. While it's perfect to decorate your home with this "Just Married" banner, it'll also be perfect to decorate any bridal shower. I'm currently obsess with cheap and easy way to accesorize a bridal shower with big impact. You can download the letters here.

Honeymoon wear

As we are looking at our honeymoon destination and tentatively settling for Cabo San Lucas, I want to search for something to wear during the day...and night in paradise. I also want them for cheap and this is the perfect time to purchase them as it is the middle of winter, and it is cold! All items below are from Victoria's Secret
For the Day
$20 (top only)
$22 (top only)
$14 (bottom, in large pink dot like above, to be worn with both of the tops above)
For the Nights
$30 (my something blue as the underwear will be worn on the wedding day, with a little blue bow)

Wedding vent #2: Wedding drama

With a 1 year engagement, to date, I have not experienced any drama that came with having a big bridal party or guest list or anything of that sort yet. With only 2.5 months left to go, I thought I was at the home stretch and avoided it altogether. Boy was I wrong.

My sister and maid of honor had volunteered to throw me a bridal shower on 1/31/2009. I don't think she really has her heart into it. I know she wants to, and her intentions are good, but I don't know if she knows the extent that goes into it. She volunteered when I started to plan for my friend's bridal shower as I am the maid of honor in that wedding. Then she realized what the title maid of honor entails. I think the party stem from that obligation. I don't care very much for it. It can happen or not happen. It's not that important to me. Besides, my bachelorette party has been booked. But, my bachelorette party was thrown by my other bridesmaids, which makes Tera feel all the more obligated to do something for me as a maid of honor. So, we set a date. Fast forward to 1 month away from the party, drama happened.

Two of my friends and my sister do not get along due to some past history. Needless to say, when I gave Tera my guest list, she doesn't want to include these two people based on a very recent drama between the two of them at a club when people have too much to drink. So, coupling previous bad blood with recent problems, Tera announced that she will not invite them because she's the one hosting the party. That is perfectly fine and it's completely within her rights to do so. But since it is a party for me, and I'm still civil (even friends) with these two girls, I want them there. I refuse to be one of those people that burn friendships due to other people in my life not getting along with my friends. We are all adults and we should be able to exist in harmony. If they respect me at all, they will exist in harmony with each other for my sake. Otherwise, the party is canceled. So, I told Tera that it is my wish for the party to cancel.

I don't have any bad feelings about it. Everybody else's drama can be dealt with by them. I don't want to get in the middle of this. I don't want to force people to be with each other for my sake. I don't want to have to try and comfort anybody due to some bad blood. So, bridal shower is canceled. My bachelorette party is a place where I get to celebrate my wedding, drama free with the people I want there most. That's all there is to it.

Home made wreath

As previously posted, I was planning to make a homemade wreath to use over Christmas and to be used later in February for my friend's baby shower that I'm hosting. So, with only a few days remaining until Christmas, the ribbons arrived and I got started right away, engaging the help of my maid of honor to cut the ribbons to length, and my fiance to heat up the stripes' ends with a flame to seal them so they do not fray. I was in charge of tying the ribbon to the foam wreath. The cost of this beautiful masterpiece was $15 ($5 for the 18" foam wreath from Michael's and $11 for 1.5" wide ribbon from PaperMart). Though I purchased double sided satin ribbon by mistake, it's a really really good mistake because it helps a lot while I tied the stripes because I don't have to mind which side I'm tying it on.

Ring shots!

Anybody reading weddingbee know that the ring shots is all the rage right now. Anne Ruthman did a good job at providing a simple tutorial on how to shoot your own rings at home at WeddingbeePro. So of course, I had to jump on the bandwagon and do my own shoot. I really liked the way it turned out. However, I don't know how to work with Photoshop, so I didn't do any post processing with these pictures, just a simple point and shoot camera raw images.

Me and my fear of flowers

So I'm afraid of flowers.

Really really afraid, not allergic, simple phobia. I don't touch flowers, I freak out when something that resemble a flower, be it real or plant that resemble a flower come close to me. They and I exist in harmony, so long as they don't come close to me. So, when I saw brides adorn the beautiful hair pieces of silk florals, I wanted some for myself too. So I looked and looked, and these hair pieces were going for so much money! When I decided to do them for myself, I wanted something more simple, because I didn't want to accidentally touch them and freak myself out.

Since I have the greatest of maid of honor and groom to be, they helped this poor bride to be out. My groom dissected the silk orchids I bought at Michael's and reassemble them together, attaching a little barrette to the back with the hot glue gun. The process was simple, and the outcome was exactly what I wanted. This was my inspiration:
This is the outcome:
With the veil:

Wedding invitation: the finished product!

My wedding invitations are finally done, and I are ready to be sent in a mere week. I am so proud of them and have nothing to say more except au revoir to these beauties:

I opted to hand deliver some of these invites, leading to these labels. Since the invites are square they are more expensive. So since I see the people on my side so often, I decided to hand deliver these. Screw etiquettes. At least they also got pretty labels. I love the damask wrap around labels.

Table numbers

Last week, I was productive and busted out my gocco to complete my table number signs. I opted for the ever subtle table number using our engagement pictures, because I love them so much. Not only did I indulge myself with a blurb photo book full of my engagement pictures but now I will also see them all over the place, on each table, on my wedding day.

I printed our engagement photos on 4x6 prints through Shutterfly for a mere few dollars. I was going to keep them that size, but it just looked so big when I made a trial run, so I trimmed them down to 4x4, which is perfect! I backed them on 4.5x4.5 cardstock lined with a pink ribbon. They turned out great and I love them.

The infamous blurb book

With our wedding budget being small as it is, we decided that we will not have a professional photo book as part of our photography package. This is one way we kept our wedding budget down and I would do it over and over again. Besides, I see many many people have expensive wedding photo books that sits at their end tables collecting dust. I just can't seem to justify spending thousand and thousands of dollars on such things.

Case in point, my friend Libby who just got married recently told me that she spent over $4,000 on her photo book because additional pages were added on. $4,000! That's ridiculous, on top of the photography package worth $8,000 for a total of $12,000. That's almost half of my wedding budget.

So, armed with my beautiful engagement pictures I downloaded the blurb program call BookSmart. I created a blurb book out of my best engagement pictures. I intended to give them to our parents as Christmas presents, but the book took longer than expected to arrive, approximately 2 weeks. I think that's the only thing I was disappointed with. Otherwise, the book turned out amazingly well, with great quality.
The cover-ImageWrap hardcover
The spine, with our name and our engagement date
The introduction page, the important dates
Finally, the back.

Bachelor Party Booked

While I am planning my trip to Vegas with my girl for our bachelorette party, I am also booking the flight for Joe to return home for his bachelor party. We figured since all of the groomsmen are from Philly, and it will be costly for all of them to fly out here (if they can make it at all), so it's easier for Joe to go home and see his family, while being able to party with his friends in Atlantic City or New York City or wherever his heart desires. I will have no part in it except to book his flight and car rental. It's booked. He's scheduled to go the weekend that I have my bridal shower. He'll be in Philly from 1/29-2/2.

The Hair Trial

Literally, the trials and tribulations of the finding a hair stylist and make up artist.

I don't know why I am having such a problem with finalizing this last vendor. Meanwhile, I'm already making my final payments to my other vendors. I went online and spent about 2 hours trying to find reasonably priced hair stylists around the area. I was able to find several contenders, but nothing too solid.

Today, I contacted Ann Ho of Styles by Ann and she was prompt to respond that she has another wedding on my wedding day. However, since my wedding is in the morning, she would be able to fit me in if I get my hair and make up done at her studio instead of her coming to me. Besides that, she enticed me with a price reduction from $500 to $350 and no early fee. Since my bridesmaid will not be getting ready with me, I am actually entertaining this idea very much. Besides, $350 is a great price, especially after checking out some of her great result on her blog. We are still in the process of finalizing some details before setting up appointments for trial but I feel like this is a great possibilities, considering that she is more than happy to refer some people to me if the circumstances doesn't work out. Hopefully, I'll have something finalized soon.

Wedding jewelries - check

My recent obsession of the week was wedding jewelry. When I have my heart set on something, I can't get it out of my mind until it is accomplished. So I blogged and blogged about them (1, 2). So over the weekend, while Joe and I were Christmas shopping, we headed to Nordstrom due to a discussion with Joe the previous night about my wedding jewelry. Joe was a good sport about it and indulged me in this little endeavor. What's more great is that he cave and let me purchased a $138 Nadri tiered earrings that I've been eying. I know they're expensive for just a piece of fake jewelry, but they have so much sass and I think will add so much to my look on the wedding day. So here they are safely in my hands:
As noted earlier, Joe actually had his eyes on another pair (last pair in this post), but I thought it was too understated for the reception. I do agree that they would fit very nicely at the ceremony. So, while I did not purchase another Nadri pair of earrings (that would just be spoiled), I did find something similar and Joe like a lot for $38 at Nordstrom.
So instead of being a two dress/veil bride, I am a two earrings bride which will be switched between the ceremony and the reception. Yet another task to put on the list for the maid of honor to do (remind me to switch out earrings!).

The great thing was that we also found Joe a shirt to wear with his suit. Even better was that it was on sale. We purchased it at Express Men for $29.99, taking full advantage of the Christmas sale of 50% off of all button down shirts. I love a good deal! Two things crossed off the to do list, only 325,329,432,897,432 left to do in 80 days...eekkkk!

Bachelorette Party Booked!

My bridesmaid Denise just booked our flight and hotel to Vegas! It's on on February 6th! I simply cannot wait. It's great because this trip is just what I wanted. Something short. Something small. Something fun. It will just be 5 of us girls: 3 of my bridesmaid, 1 of my good friend, and myself.

Originally, we planned for Hawaii, then it was Cabo, then it was Miami. But these trips require everyone to take a few days off of work for it to be worth it. Since January and February is busy season for the most of us, we simply cannot make it. I thought that the bachelorette party will not work at all with only 80+ days left til the wedding. Out of the blue, Denise emailed us with a rate to the Palazzo for $150/night. So, that began the search for the ever popular bachelorette trip to Vegas. I found flights that goes out of SFO for $190, so the trip turned out to cost us just around $250. Not too bad for a couple days of sin (jk).

A lot of things are coming up. Joe's leaving town for Philly on the weekend of January 31st, which is also the weekend of my bridal shower that my MOH is putting together. A month later will be the wedding. It's on baby!

Groom's attire

Joe will be wearing a suit to our wedding. More and more, I see groom swaying away from the traditional tux to the suit and it is a good move. More and more, wedding is becoming more casual and modern. We are moving towards that way in our wedding, with the groom adorn in a grey suit and the rest of the bridal party sporting black suits. Case in point of a groom wearing a grey suit. Very nice I have to say, which support my case even more for Joe to be in a grey suit:

Earrings in use

Since I posted the earrings post, I always wanted to know what it looks like on real bride, in real life to understand its impact and proportion. I think I found the Nadri tier chandelier earrings used by another bride. If it isn't, it is pretty darn close.

Here's the earrings:
Here it is on the bride:

I love it on her. The proportion is just right!

The other night, after I posted the earrings post, I asked Joe for his opinion on the earrings and he liked this one. But what drew to him is the last pair.
I like this one too, since it is more of a classic pair. Also, it is $50 compare to the $100+ tiered pair above. I like both, but I think I will stick with this one for practical reasons.

Damask inspirations

I have always been in love with damask. I think the look is just absolutely traditional with a very modern touch depending on how you use it. The contrast between white and black goes very very well with any wedding color. Mine just happen to be pink.

I saw some beautiful damask knottie bios today that I think are so beautifully executed using damask that I just gotta share:

Flower - Pomander

Following the post on what the bridal party bouquet will look like, I decided to have a pomander for the flower girls in pink carnations. The result should look something like this, #2 picture:

Adorable cardbox

I saw this beautiful card box today and couldn't help but show it off. Instead of the regular single card box, why not stack a few together to make them look even more robust and coordinated. This bride has so much more details that I just drool over. Check it out [here].