
I used Wordle today and turned our readings into amazing works of art
First reading
Second reading

These will be printed and hung after the wedding is over. In the midst of it all, I will also hang this.
This can be purchased here

The Asian Curse

I hate my Asian eyes! While others enjoy the blessings of their glorious full lashes on a daily basis, I have strands that I can count on my fingers. So, to help along the curse of nature, my make up artist will help a girl out.
Here I am on the day of the trial enjoying a full set of lashes. Though Ann used her own brands, she recommended that I try Mac's No. 7 eyelashes.
I never ever put them on myself; the glue and the tarantula look frankly intimidate me. Her tip? Trim them down so they don't look so scary. Duh! But I do wonder why people don't trim them down a bit so they look a little more, hmmm, natural?

Since my bachelorette pary is next weekend in Vegas, I thought this would be a great time to try them. So, while I was out shopping for the trip today, I purchased 2 pairs. I'm excited to try them on and finally beat the curse? Is this the subconscious reason I'm marrying Joe (a white guy), so that my daughter can enjoy the blessing of a full set of eye lashes? lol

Mucho Gracias

OMG! I saw these thank you cards, gocco'ed no less and fell in love.
photo via [Sara Hanks Giessen]
I think I might have to seriously sit down and decide what I'm going to do with the thank you cards, because there are so many ideas, here and here.

Another Nadri Bride

When I found my wedding earrings, I was so excited because they are gorgeous! I can't wait until the day I can put them on and dance the first dance with the one I call husband. You know when you think about something, you start to see it everywhere? Well, there was another bride that wear these at her wedding. Now, I found another one.
Soon I would be able to put myself on this list, and I can't wait 'til that day.

photo via [One Love Photo]


In two days, our RSVPs are due to be returned to us. As of today, out of 120 people we invited, we have received 51 RSVPs. Not even half? Are you kidding? I gave them 1 month to return the RSVPs to me and they can't even pick up a pen and make a few mark and drop it off in the mail? Wow, and here I am trying to finalize ten thousand wedding projects in order to receive them and they can't even return to me the RSVPs on time. Oh wells.

The breakdown of the returned RSVPs is as follows:
  • Yes: 49
  • No: 2
I have seen a lot of statistics out there ranging from 10-20% decline rate. We are currently at about 5%. I don't care too much about the rate of decline, as I am willing and able up to the maximum number of guests invited, although I would like to keep it at 100 guests.

One thing I would have done differently with the RSVP is to put a spot for guests to write something. Although we didn't have a spot for it, certain guests did drop us a line and I'm always excited when I see a little note. In two days, I will have to start calling, because after all, I need to do the damn escort cards people! Drop those babies in the mail!

More invitations

As a follow up post to the inspiration that ultimately resulted in our fabulous invitation suite (can you tell I'm very proud and self-indulgent with our invitations? LOL).

I was finally able to take some quick pictures that shows the similarities between the inspiration and the result. Once again, remember the inspiration?
photo via [weddingbee]
Here is the final result


I saw this picture featured on weddingbeepro by Leigh Miller and it reminds me of one of my own pictures of our engagement shoot.
photo via [WeddingbeePro]
Here is ours
photo by [Jerry Yoon Photography]

Eloping is looking better everyday

With the budget approaching zero fast and stress level increasing exponentially, eloping is looking better and better everyday as we are nearing the one month mark from the big day. If I had/could elope, I would wear black! It's flattering on every body
photo via [Ben Chrisman Photography]

Let's talk money

specifically the budget.

I recently found out that my friend who is getting married in April is paying the second installment of their wedding...ON CREDIT! This is not the only installment on credit, but the ENTIRE wedding on credit. I say it's a poor financial decision.

I've always knew I would plan a wedding where we walk down the aisle debt free. With only 1.5 months away, and most vendors paid, I'd say we are successful. That is not to say that we never charge anything wedding related on a credit card, but the bill we racked up are paid within the same statement period, therefore, not incurring any interest.

I know realistically, not everyone can pay for the wedding off completely, or not have any debt wedding related. However, to put the entire wedding on credit, several credit cards, is a very very bad idea. Why did they not get married in a courthouse?

Back to the beginning...

The wedding invitation concept

When I was designing my wedding invitation, I always wanted pocketfold. But pocket folds are expensive to buy. If you make them, you gotta buy these extra long sheets of paper instead of the standard 8.5x11 or 12x12 cardstocks. I wanted to just get some cardstocks and make something nice out of it. Then I saw this and it was the beginning of our invitation concept.
I love how there is no pocket, but it still holds everything in one place. Furthermore, it holds everything in place without loose inserts! Love it!

photo via [weddingbee]

When life gives you lemon?

make lemonade, or course!

Or in this case, turn it into your beautiful wedding aisle!
photo via [Brides.com]

Bachelor parties and its demise

It's 5 in the morning right now, and I am up trying to catch up on some work after dropping Joe off at the airport. He's catching an early flight to Philly. He's going home to see his family and has his bachelor party this weekend. He doesn't get to see his family very much, so he's always excited to be home. It's always bittersweet to see him go because while it's nice to have him go home, he'll be away from his current home and leaving me and Reggie behind for a few days. I'll get over it since I am so swamped at work right now anyways. Here's a picture of him last night sitting with Reggie. I love these two boys.
So, while he's away, I'm planning to do a bunch of wedding related projects this weekend, especially since work will slow down after today, at least for the weekend. Before I get started on those projects, I want to show a completed project that I have been working on since forever. I was finally able to finish it recently, and it is now sitting there waiting to be used.

She says YES!

This says it all.

photo via [Nistor Photo]

Rehearsing for THE weekend

Being that our wedding is 47 days away (as our wedding website indicate), I'm day dreaming about the big day.

This weekend had passed by so fast. I spent the entire weekend working for the most part, over 10 hours of work. I do hate my job sometimes, but it pays the bills, and it pays for the bills well. With busy season among us (only auditors will know what I mean), I have no time to do much of anything. However, with the wedding fast approaching, I had to prioritize and get wedding projects done on top of load of projects at work.

So, yesterday, after getting up and finished getting ready, Joe and I headed out for breakfast at IHOP with their all you can eat special. I was able to have 2 pancakes max. What a waste of a good deal. By the time we left the restaurant, it was around noon and that's when I sat down at my desk and worked the afternoon away. Since it was rainy all weekend, it was a fine day to be cooped up at home. I worked until about 5pm then decided that I had enough of it and packed my work away, and bring out my craft projects. Joe and I finished our floral monogram, which I will feature about later. Then, I finished cutting all of the little pieces of paper that will go into our program, which I will also talk about later. For now, this is what I completed: Our Rehearsal dinner invitation.
The invitation is printed using a laser jet printer. I designed it using the damask pattern we use throughout the wedding. Since it's a rehearsal dinner, it's more casual so I opted to print it on bright pink cardstock that I couldn't have used for any other projects. I like it!
The invitation is lined with black ribbons to give it a more finished look and backed on black metallic cardstock.

One task down...only a few more to go before the big day arrives.

Pretty flowers

Beauty, timeless, modern all captured in a pretty bouquet and intensified in a pretty picture.
photo via [Jasmine Star Photography]

Wedding earrings in action

I love seeing my wedding choices in action. Previously, I blogged about the beautiful Nadri earrings I will be wearing to the reception. They are very beautiful and popular amongst brides, so it's no surprise to be browsing through photographers' blogs and see them show up in some other weddings.
photos via [Jessica Strickland]

Reminder of home

I came across this photo today and it reminded me of home.

I was born in Vietnam and moved to the U.S. when I was ten. I lived in a small town near Saigon, very rural, but I frequented Saigon quite often since my grandmother lived there. She had since passed and I never got a chance to go back and visit the home town since I left. I still have a lot of family over there, over 60 aunts, uncles and cousins (both of my parents had a really big family). I would love to go back one day. Joe and I talk about visiting it again, but being that it is still a communist country (though now friendly with Americans), we thought it'd be best to wait until Joe gets out of the Marine Corps to do so, just to be safe. It's a beautiful country and I can't wait to show Joe where I came from and finally have the rest of the country meet him.

Candlelit dance

What a beautiful way to start your life together. So romantic.

picture via [Jessica Johnston Photography]

Chuck it!

Previously, I blogged about the ties we will be gifting our groomsman. We will also gifting them argyle socks. Last but not least, these
All of the cost just to create an image like this on the wedding day.
I'm just kidding. We want to give the groomsmen something they can use as well after the wedding, and well, who doesn't love a pair of Chuck Taylor.

Beautiful handwriting

Oh how I wish my handwriting was beautiful enough to create this beautiful masterpiece (from Laura Hooper Calligraphy, a WeddingbeePro).

I heart shoes

I saw this beautiful shoe shot of a wedding on WeddingbeePro and has to share it. Why? Because it reminds me of ours on our engagement session.
This one is ours. I do heart our photographer, Jerry Yoon, also a WeddingbeePro

Burberry Love

There are three berries I love most: Burberry, Blackberry and blueberry, in that order. I favorite accessory is my burberry purse that I purchased in the summer of 2006 while visiting a friend in San Diego. I just got my first raise and bonus as an adult, and it was a good sum so I splurged on a $1,200 purse + $300 wallet. Since then, generous families and friends have gifted me with a matching scarf and beret hat and sunglasses. You can say I have a little soft spot for the plaid design, so when I saw this, my heart skipped a beat.
I don't even want to know how much this will cost me if I want to replicate the look. I just know it's out of my price range, but how I adore it.

Rehearsal dinner hardship

I've been searching high and low for my rehearsal dress, and I have yet to find something. I originally ordered this cute little number from JCrew, on sale for $78.
But this is a summer dress. The fabric and style screams summer, and well my wedding is not in summer, it's actually at the tail end of dinner.

I do have a dress sitting in my closet, worn once at a friend's bachelorette party in Vegas in June 2008. Here I am with the dress. I actually love the dress a lot, I've just never had the occasion to wear it again.
Why am I having such a hard time with the rehearsal outfit?

Preparing for the rehearsal

I saw this inspiration board over at Weddings Fresh and I just love everything about it. The dress and the shoes are by far my absolute favorite! When I think about what I will wear to my rehearsal dinner, this is what comes to mind. I love all the accessories, but this comes of as trying too much though, what with packing every accessory on with this outfit. I would take out the necklace and bracelet, and adorn only the cute clutch, earring and cocktail ring. Love it!

Twigs and Honey giveaway

I've adored Twigs and Honey by Myra Callan since forever. Today, she's having a giveaway of one of her designs. Visit her site to enter for a chance to win! You have until January 25th to enter.

I especially love this little number.

Eye Candy: Hand Written Invitation

I saw this beautiful invitation and thought it was a handwritten invitation. Apparently, it was printed from a personally handwritten letter. Irregardless, wouldn't it just be great if invitations were handwritten, especially if I had handwriting as beautiful as this?

Cover me pretty

When getting in March, I'd risk the chance of rain on my wedding day. I've resolved to be okay with it if that was the case. It'll make for some great photo ops. Unfortunately, the ceremony and the reception are not the same place, it's actually about half a mile walk from one place to the other. In order to escape the rain in style during our trek on foot to the reception after the ceremony, I have to find some cute umbrellas, and so far, these are the only ones I could find for cheap.
[source] - $22 from Mariekko at Amazon

Fabric thank you card

I saw these at Style Me Pretty and thought it is so pretty that I had to share. Of course with any lovely DIY item, an instruction is included.

Materials Needed:
Sewing Machine
Pinking Shears or Rotary Cutter
One piece of Ultrasuede fabric
Satin Ribbon
Coordinating Threads
Metal Ruler
X-acto Knife

Step 1: With scissors, trim ultrasued to 5.5″ x 8.75″. Cut a piece of coordinating ribbon to 20″ long. Align Ribbon to the center of the fabric lengthwise and pin about 3.5″ down from the top on the right side of fabric. Secure ribbon with a sewing machine. Fold bottom of the envelope up about 2.5″. Sew both sides shut with a sewing machine.

Step 2: Measure .5″ in from the top center of the envelope. With an x-acto knife, cute a straight line through the fabric just wide enough to accommodate your ribbon. Measure .25″ up and repeat the same cut. Thread ribbon through slots.

Step 3: Place a standard 4-Bar card in the envelope or download this template of cards and print out onto card stock on your home printer. Follow the instructions in the template on how to trim out.

Step 4: Once the card is placed in the envelope fold top over and pull snug. Using pinking shears or ruler and rotary pinking cutter, trim each side to get the decorative scalloped edge. Make sure to do this step last so that the scallop edges line up. Snip ends of ribbon to points and tie in a bow!

Balloon for wedding decoration

Remember when you went to you high school prom and it was decorated with balloons? Well, why can't you replicate that look for your wedding affair, but make it less prom-like and more elegant affair? Use this as inspiration.
Along the same line, Martha also shows the tips for a glamorous wedding on a budget:

1. A monochromatic color scheme ups the glam quotient. Try a bold, bright hue like red to make a major statement.

2. Don't have the budget for full-on chair covers? Weave wide grosgrain ribbon through the backs of reception chairs for a softer, polished look.

3. All it takes is one standout glass to make a specialty cocktail, well, special. Ditto the glassware on the reception tables. Choose a rental company with lots of options, and add a colored glass to each place setting as an easy way to bring depth to your tablescape.

4. Give out-of-town guests a little goodnight treat by arranging for hotel staff to leave a small token on their pillows each night of their stay.

5. Take a cue from the silver screen with dramatic black-and-white photography. Black-and-white shots make everything -- and everyone -- appear more chic.

For even more inspiration, see the Spring 2008 issue of Martha Stewart Weddings, where the following ideas appeared.

6. Bring on the bubbly! After all, nothing says festive like Champagne. And it can serve a dual purpose, too: A vintage wine bucket with a bottle of the French fizz can make an inexpensive centerpiece, and a tower of coupe glasses lends drama.

7. Let balloons rise to the occasion as a simple yet stylish way to fill a big space. The secret to a grown-up look? A simple color palette. Attach them to ribbons to make garlands for the ceiling.

8. What could be sweeter than confections that sparkle? Dim the lights, then fire up the night by topping cakes and other desserts with sparklers.

9. If you have the budget, do away with the deejay and opt instead for a live band to give your party a spontaneity that can't be bought with canned music.

10. Bid farewell in style with a candlelit path leading from the reception site. It lends just the right amount of romance, and simple glass containers holding candles are affordable as well as safe.

Adorning the guys


As part of the bridal party gifts, we will include ties as part of the gift package. Here is the variety of ties that will be adorning on our wedding day. We are undecided on what Joe will be wearing, the plain white or the paisley white. I'm really loving the look of the paisley though. They had all came and they are really really nice quality, especially for the price of $15/each. We got one of the father's tie in extra long for Joe's mom's boyfriend because he's a big guy. For extra long, they run $20/each. All were purchased at The Tie Bar.