Bachelor parties and its demise

It's 5 in the morning right now, and I am up trying to catch up on some work after dropping Joe off at the airport. He's catching an early flight to Philly. He's going home to see his family and has his bachelor party this weekend. He doesn't get to see his family very much, so he's always excited to be home. It's always bittersweet to see him go because while it's nice to have him go home, he'll be away from his current home and leaving me and Reggie behind for a few days. I'll get over it since I am so swamped at work right now anyways. Here's a picture of him last night sitting with Reggie. I love these two boys.
So, while he's away, I'm planning to do a bunch of wedding related projects this weekend, especially since work will slow down after today, at least for the weekend. Before I get started on those projects, I want to show a completed project that I have been working on since forever. I was finally able to finish it recently, and it is now sitting there waiting to be used.

1 comment:

Vân-Anh Christine Nguyen said...

OMG! i loveee the flower initials. absolutely gorgeous! how did you make these??

i didn't know you had a blog either! ever since i found this i've been addicted to reading your posts. :D how did you find mine my dear?