In two days, our RSVPs are due to be returned to us. As of today, out of 120 people we invited, we have received 51 RSVPs. Not even half? Are you kidding? I gave them 1 month to return the RSVPs to me and they can't even pick up a pen and make a few mark and drop it off in the mail? Wow, and here I am trying to finalize ten thousand wedding projects in order to receive them and they can't even return to me the RSVPs on time. Oh wells.

The breakdown of the returned RSVPs is as follows:
  • Yes: 49
  • No: 2
I have seen a lot of statistics out there ranging from 10-20% decline rate. We are currently at about 5%. I don't care too much about the rate of decline, as I am willing and able up to the maximum number of guests invited, although I would like to keep it at 100 guests.

One thing I would have done differently with the RSVP is to put a spot for guests to write something. Although we didn't have a spot for it, certain guests did drop us a line and I'm always excited when I see a little note. In two days, I will have to start calling, because after all, I need to do the damn escort cards people! Drop those babies in the mail!

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