Wedding vent #4: Incredibly Thankful

We have reached that point in our wedding planning. We are 60 days out from the day of, most of the vendors are paid, a lot of the projects are completed, and all that is left is that wondrous day when I get walk down the aisle in my dear father's arm towards the love of my life. No matter what happen from now until then, that day will arrive, and that moment will leave me with such incredible joy, more so than the joy that comes with the anticipation of that moment to come.

As I spent many many more hours trying to complete the remaining tasks, I cannot help but feel incredibly thankful for all of the blessings in my life. There is a lot of talk about the current economy and the rate of unemployment is increasing exponentially, Joe and I still hold a good paying job. We do not have to put the wedding on hold.

I have Joe to come home to at the end of a torturous workday and he still come home to me. We still sleep in the same bed at night wrapped in each other's arms and feel so completely safe and sheltered from the world. It is truly those moments I feel each night as we climb the stairs hand in hand to go to bed that I feel like the luckiest person alive.

I'm thankful that we have the support of our families and friends. I can't imagine doing wedding planning with these people who are so important to me and Joe.

Aside from all of this, I'm thankful for love. No matter what people say, love will conquer all. It will keep us alive. Because love enable us to do things that we do not think possible.

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