The Asian Curse

I hate my Asian eyes! While others enjoy the blessings of their glorious full lashes on a daily basis, I have strands that I can count on my fingers. So, to help along the curse of nature, my make up artist will help a girl out.
Here I am on the day of the trial enjoying a full set of lashes. Though Ann used her own brands, she recommended that I try Mac's No. 7 eyelashes.
I never ever put them on myself; the glue and the tarantula look frankly intimidate me. Her tip? Trim them down so they don't look so scary. Duh! But I do wonder why people don't trim them down a bit so they look a little more, hmmm, natural?

Since my bachelorette pary is next weekend in Vegas, I thought this would be a great time to try them. So, while I was out shopping for the trip today, I purchased 2 pairs. I'm excited to try them on and finally beat the curse? Is this the subconscious reason I'm marrying Joe (a white guy), so that my daughter can enjoy the blessing of a full set of eye lashes? lol

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