Wedding vent #4: stress

I've been so extremely tired lately, since I got back from my Vegas trip. During the day, I can barely keep my eyes open. During the night, I fall asleep instantly and sleep for hours! I wake up and I start thinking about my work and all the things I have to do for the wedding and I get so overwhelmed. I just need the weekend to come so I can finally take a breather. I need Friday night to come already and it just seems like days away.

As we speak, Joe and his buddies are off to Tahoe to snowboard. I don't want to be mad at him for it, but I am very very resentful of the fact that I'm working so hard, with so many things left to do and he's off having fun. I want to be able to enjoy the last portion of wedding planning, but it is getting so hard. I want to enjoy it with my fiance who wants to do his best to support me. I'm so tired, all the time.

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