25 things...

If you are on facebook, you know that the recent trend is the "25 things about me..." exercise. Recently, I have also put "25 things about me" on here, but not on facebook because it is more private here. Today, I saw my future mother-in-law posted her own "25 things..." and I just have to share it. I don't know what about it, but it almost brings me to tears. Maybe because it shows how proud she is of her children, her passion for politics, or simply just her adventures in life.

1. I love my hometown Darby PA! I've lived here for 48 years and would never trade places with anyone in the world. If you're from Darby, then you understand.

2. My 4 children and their "Step-Dad" are my world. Each one is special. I am very proud of the wonderful young adults they have become.

3. I love my daughter Sandy and am proud of her accomplishments. She works hard every day, takes care of the elderly and infirm as a Nurse at Little Flower Manor and gives them compassionate personalized care. She worked hard to put herself through highschool, Neumann College and Delaware Valley Technical Institute. She has taught me much....with her examples of hardwork,dedication and compassion for others.

4. I love my son Billy and am proud of his accomplishments. He has worked everyday since he was 13 years old....never took a sick day! He has kept his education as a foremost priority. He works hard at two jobs starting at 5 AM and ending at 11 PM while studying hard and putting himself through Drexel University. He has taught me much with his example of outstanding work ethics...

5. I love my daughter Melanie and am proud of her accomplishments. She too has worked diligently since she was 14 years old. She is strong, independent and takes the lead when she needs to. Her extreme sense of calm helps ease tensions that surround us in our daily lives. She has strong convictions and makes wise choices. She has taught me much with her example of "walking softly and carrying a big stick"...

6. I love my son Joey and am proud of his accomplishments. He joined the United States Marine Corp in 2002 and rose quickly to the rank of Staff Sgt. He served two tours of duty in Iraq, served in Okinawa Japan, Australia and is now heading to Israel or Turkey in a few months. He has worked hard for his Marine Corp and our Country, sacrificing much at times in the face of danger. He has strived to make the world a better place and continues to do so every day. He has taught me much about surviving, adapting and improvising!

7. I love my better half Larry and am proud of his accomplishments. He has worked hard all his life, spent 25 years on the Yeadon Police force and is now the Chief of Police of Cheyney University. He has been my rock for many years and has given me the courage to go back to school and finish my education. After I spent 21 years in a violent marriage and "escaped" with the help of my children, Larry has shown and demonstrated to me that life is good, peaceful, happy and memorable. My life is now content.

8. I would like to graduate before I am senile....

9. I work at UPS as a Supervisor, currrently training and following up on all "new hires", helping them adjust to the night schedule, the hard work, obtain their education allowance and many other things. I love my job at UPS. I just wish it wasn't in the middle of the night so I could get a good night's sleep once in awhile.

10. I work during the day doing statistical research and interviews for the University of Chicago. I collect data from people all over the United States that determines how we live our lives, what we need and what percentages of the population work, have health care, obtain higher education and many more statistics. I love this job too! I feel I am helping to create a better future for all of us.

11. I love getting involved in the politics of Darby. I miss being the Mayor at times, because I like to help others. Although even though I don't hold the "position" anymore, I still get tons of requests from residents for information or help in certain areas. I have been involved in Darby politics since I was 10 years old....going to council meetings, campaigning in elections. It's in my blood....I was the youngest person ever elected to Council in 1988 and the first female mayor and the youngest....in 1998. I am thinking about running again this year....I feel I have to contribute as much as I can to the town that I live in and love.

12. I am scared to death of the dark and Thunder storms.

13. Joey Phillips and I swam in blue filmy water (10,000 gallons of tetracyline broke loose from Sentry Paint) down 8th Street in Darby during Hurricane Floyd getting out the Senior Citizens who refused to leave....am I glowing?????

14. I love to sit outside in my back yard on my deck and just look all over Darby....looking up past the hospital, up on the hill, down on Main Street and in front, watching the trains go by.

15. I love my car. People don't understand why, but my car knows why. It's a 93 Buick with lots of colors and duct tape....it has heat in the summer and airconditioning in the winter....it takes me whereever I need to go and when it breaks down? It's usually in front of my house...very convenient and loyal.

16. I love to read the New York Times every day and Newsweek once a week. All the news that's fit to print! I also love the Daily Times of course....all the local news.

17. I am hooked as ever on the new www.darbyboroughboomers.co
m website. I love reading the posts of all the people who grew up in Darby....reliving all the memories and hoping that some day, Darby will come back to life.

18. I try to keep a journal....writing down my memoirs so one day when I am unemployed or retired....I will sit and write a book!

19. I am anxiously awaiting my son Joey's wedding....I can't wait to see him walk down the aisle in his "Dress Blues" Marine uniform and marry his beautiful bride Lyz. I also can't wait to have my family all together....on the West Coast....Look out Cali...here comes the Browns....

20. I miss my mother and father tremendously. Especially now, that my life is content. I only wish my mom and dad had the chance to meet Larry and see how happy I am now...and what a wonderful person he is.

21. My sister and brother have taught me many lessons...early in my childhood and still to this day.

22. I feel closer to my sister now, later in life than I did when I was a child.

23. I wish I would have listened to my sister more often, could have saved me alot of trouble....

24. I am terrified for my children and myself in future years because of the economic shape we are in...

25. I am afraid to grow old....and....I need the list to increase to 50 random things about me...too short for all my adventures!

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