The case of the flower girl dress

My niece Emily is our flower girl. I love this girl. She is also my god-daughter and therefore really really important to me. So I also want her to feel important and special on our wedding day. I've been searching high and low for a dress for her to wear as she walks down the aisle, but without breaking the bank. I've been eying dresses from JCrew and Janie and Jack such as these:
[JCrew] - $98 on sale
But at >$100 a piece, I couldn't bear to bear to hit the check out button.

Instead, I browsed Target one day and found something that I like for like 10% of the price.
At $17.99 for this little thing, I think she'll like it because it's big and round and princess-y. I like it! I will go hit the checkout button now.

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