I <3 my photographer

Just as soon as I was engaged, I found Weddingbee. Within that circle, I found my wedding inspirations. I also found the most important piece of my wedding day, my photographer. Not one to care too much about photography before I got engaged, I suddenly became obsessed. I started looking at every wedding albums of friends who precede me in the wedding march, and I started browsing albums after albums online. But after all that, I was still in the dark about the photography style I like. One thing I learn from weddingbee and confirmed in my search is that I do like that candid style.

One of the first vendors I set out to search for was a photographer. During one of the first wedding fair Joe and I went to, we found a photographer we like. What we liked even more was the pricing, less than $4K. We set up an appointment right there an then. The following weekend, we arrived at a makeshift studio (it was actually a living of a house). We went over some albums and looked at some pictures and discussed pricing. We definitely liked the price, and the pictures will do. So we got a quote for what we're looking for and we went home.

Joe like them enough so he encourages me to book them. I liked them enough, but for some reason, I can't get myself to put down a deposit. What's great about them is that they also offer an in house photographer for a fairly decent price, less than $1,500. Still, I can't get myself to book them. I continue to browse for a photographer. One day, I found a review post on Weddingbee about Jerry Yoon Photography.

I contacted him right away. I was pretty detailed in my needs/wants/expectation in my initial email. I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email 5 minutes later, with a note saying that he was on his way out to have a shoot that day but wanted to respond to the inquiries nevertheless. I liked him already.

I didn't think much of it again, until a couple of months later when I abruptly awaken in the middle of the night and realized that I still haven't booked a photographer. So, I contacted Jerry again and was pleasantly surprised by his prompt response and encouragement to continue browsing other photographers to understand the styles I liked and get back to him if I was still interested. This time, I responded right away expressing my interest to set up a meeting.

The meeting went well. We met in Berkeley at a hotel bar. I find his calmness and easy-going nature to be comforting, and I liked him right away. After a brief discussion on pricing, and browsing through albums after albums, we headed to our separate ways. A week later, Joe and I booked him. Mind you at the time, I still didn't know what photography I like. I knew I was attracted to his shoots, but only until very recently was I confirmed that I absolutely love his styles. Check out some of his recent shots (Source for all pictures below: Jerry Yoon Photography)
He loves playing with lighting and architecture. I realize this may not be everybody's cup of tea, as it may make you fade into the background and the backdrop is precedented.

Another pic with a beautiful backdrop

A wedding he shot previously at the St. Joseph Cathedral. This is where our ceremony will be held. It's a beautiful church, beautifully captured by Jerry.

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