I <3 my engagement pictures

After many many hits on the refresh button, it was finally paid off at around 11:30pm on Saturday night. We finally got some teasers from our photographer, Jerry Yoon. He was wonderful to work with, and it was such a fun shoot that I could not wait to get to see some teaser pictures. Without further ado, here is a series, also can be seen on his blog. Please credit Jerry Yoon for the pictures.
[this was a few pics of me trying to let lose in the beginning of the shoot. Did I do a good job at concealing my nervousness?]

[Joe and I in the beginning of the shoot. We were still pretty self-conscious.]

[There is a funny story behind this picture. Jerry wanted me to do a sexy pose. I'm not good at these poses, so I just try to muster the best I can. How do you think I did?]

[It was a really windy day. Try as I may to keep my curls in place, apparently, the wind is more powerful than my futile attempt.]

[This is a beautiful structure on camera. What it is is a hidden alleyway, which is also home to a homeless guy in S.F. He was nice enough to vacate the premise for us to get some beautiful shots, though it was stinky and smelly. On picture though, Jerry was able to capture it so beautifully, and that is why I love his work.]

[Like a scene out of Broadway, with the lighting, which is natural by the way]

[Again, trying to work with the wind and get more texture of my dress. I'm glad I wore something more formal than casual. It made for a wonderful shoot.]

[Joe is looking at his watch because he was bored that the shoot was all about me...hehehe]

[This is what I call porn...hahaha]

[The infamous shoes shot]

[Another perspective, so cool...]

[My handsome man who will be my fiance. Am I not the luckiest woman on earth? Also a little biased maybe? hehehe]

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