Anxiously waiting for our ePics

I've been stalking my photographer's blog, more so than before, since our engagement photo shoot two weeks ago. Yesterday, he posted a blog about his coming busy schedule with traveling and wedding shoots. Right away, I shot him an email asking about the expected time line for our engagement sessions. I didn't expect to get the pictures soon because he does post editing on all of the pictures, so that will take a lot more than than a couple of weeks. However, I'm anxious to just see any pictures from the shoot.

It was a pleasant surprise to hear back from him right away saying to expect a post about our shoot in the next couple of days. I was so excited! Of course, Joe and I will be hitting F5 key (refresh) on our computer until the key fades into existence. I just really really want to see the pictures. He only let me see one picture during our shoot and I was very pleasantly surprised by his talent. I can't wait to see more!

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