All about the Eagles this season

Joe is a big Eagle's fan. I've never been a football fan. Since being with him though, we watch football every Sunday during football season. Since then, I've picked up a thing or two about football. This season however, I caved and let Joe ordered Sunday football ticket through DirecTV since the Eagles games aren't usually shown out here in California. He was absolutely grateful.

So, since I'm a regular football watcher, I ordered a McNabb #5 jersey upon the news that I will be going to the Niners vs. Eagles game on 10/12/2008. I'm such a traitor; someone who was raised in the Bay Area and will be sporting a different team jersey. Oh wells.

Needless to say, I will be adorning something Eagles on our wedding day as well. I purchased Eagles garter to sport under my dress as a surprise for Joe. I hope he likes it.

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