Must have photo shots

These are important to me, and I will be distributing this list to my photographer.
  • rings
  • shoes
  • centerpiece
  • programs
  • flowers
  • dress on the hanger
  • bride's bouquet
  • garter
  • dress details
  • accessories (necklaces, hairpiece, earrings, bracelets)
  • wedding gifts
  • corsages/boutonnières
  • ties
  • socks
  • groom & bride's shoes
  • Bride alone (full length)
  • Bride with Maid of Honor
  • Bride with bridesmaids
  • Bride with groomsmen
  • Bride with parents
  • Groom with bridesmaids
  • Groom with parents
  • Groom with best man
  • Groom with groomsmen
  • Bride & Groom together
  • Bride & Groom with parents
  • Bride & Groom with immediate families
  • Bride & Groom with entire wedding party
  • Bride & Groom with flower girl and ringbearer
  • Bride & Groom with extended families
  • Individual bridesmaid and groomsmen

Adoreable and affordable centerpieces

This week on Style Me Pretty, they are featuring great DIY projects. While browsing the site, I fell in love with these centerpieces that is partially made out of toilet paper rolls! Can you believe it? How affordable can they be, and they can be as elegant as you want to make them. Trade in the clay pots for some more elegant vases. How can you go wrong with damask! I think for the purpose of the wedding, it may not be fitting to our theme. But we can definitely make this a centerpiece for the bridal shower.
Image source
For directions of how to make these yourself:


Clay Pots
Black & White Spray Paint (or whatever color you like)
Branches of varying size and height
Cardboard Toilet Paper Rolls
Fabric cut to fit rolls
Hole Punch
Fabric Glue
Decorative Ornaments like feather boa, gems, beads, etc.
Silk Orchids or other Silk Flowers
Green Moss or other flowers


1. Spray paint the bottom of a clay pot black, or whatever color you choose. Once dry paint the top portion a difference color.

2. Collect branches to put in your pots. I just cut branches from a tree in our yard and used one large branch per pot.

3. Fill the pot with rocks to help secure the tree branch.

4. Create the toilet paper ornaments.

  • Cut a swatch of fabric that will cover the toilet paper roll. Don’t worry about getting all the way to the top and bottom because your accessories will cover it.
  • Once you have the fabric on the roll, punch two small holes in the top of the roll, one on each side. Then thread wire or string thru the holes to create a way to hang it.
  • Glue beads to the bottom of the roll.
  • Glue a small boa to the top.

5. Gems - Collect gems with holes in the top to hang from your branches. I purchased my gems from Michael’s and then thread clear wire or string through them.

6. Glue orchids randomly on the branches.

7. Finally, fill the pot with flowers to cover the rocks.

Wannabe poet

I composed a poem as a thank you note in our program. This is a rough draft, composed in 5 minutes and to be revised and edited:

After the wedding...
when the vows been said,
when the tears had been shed,
when the music had fade,
when the flowers turned a different shade,
when the cake had been cut,
when the doors had been shut,
It's in that moment that we can reflect,
on this wonderful day that we had select.
To join our families and our friends,
To make a vow to love to no end.
To reminisce on the love that you had provide
To read the words of wisdom that was meant to guide.
From the bottom of our heart, we thank you
For making our day an absolute dream come true.
After the wedding and all the years through,
We're thankful for the love that was given from you.

A beautiful thing

I've already purchased bridesmaid gift for my girls, which I already presented to them as they would need to use it in the wedding. Since I am so anal about shoes, and the girls are wearing short dresses, I would like for their shoes to match. Since I felt really bad about making them fork out more money to purchase these shoes, I decided to purchase them for them. So hence, they are technically bridesmaid gifts. However, as I have another 4 months til the wedding, I still have time to look at wedding porn which led me to these lovely things, which I would to consider as bridesmaid gifts:
$40 - source
$34 - source
$34 - source
$32 - source
$34 - source

The brown song

So Joe's last name is Brown. I thought instead of using the traditional number for our tables, I would incorporate our last into the wedding. So, I went online and searched for songs with the word Brown in the title, and this is what I came up with:
  1. Brown-eyed girl by Van Morrison
  2. Brown sugar by Rolling Stone
  3. Old brown shoes by The Beattles
  4. Mr. Brown by Bob Marley
  5. Brown eye handsome man by Chuck Berry
  6. Brown eyed blues by Ben Harper
  7. Bad, bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce
  8. Charlie Brown by The Coasters
  9. Golden Brown by The Stranglers
  10. A pair of brown eyes by The Poques
  11. Brown girl in the ring by Boney M
  12. Chocolate brown by The Cranberries
I think we only need about 13 tables since we're planning for 100 guests in round tables of 8. I'm sure I can come up with one more. So do you name your tables in a unique way to make the wedding more personal

I <3 my engagement pictures

After many many hits on the refresh button, it was finally paid off at around 11:30pm on Saturday night. We finally got some teasers from our photographer, Jerry Yoon. He was wonderful to work with, and it was such a fun shoot that I could not wait to get to see some teaser pictures. Without further ado, here is a series, also can be seen on his blog. Please credit Jerry Yoon for the pictures.
[this was a few pics of me trying to let lose in the beginning of the shoot. Did I do a good job at concealing my nervousness?]

[Joe and I in the beginning of the shoot. We were still pretty self-conscious.]

[There is a funny story behind this picture. Jerry wanted me to do a sexy pose. I'm not good at these poses, so I just try to muster the best I can. How do you think I did?]

[It was a really windy day. Try as I may to keep my curls in place, apparently, the wind is more powerful than my futile attempt.]

[This is a beautiful structure on camera. What it is is a hidden alleyway, which is also home to a homeless guy in S.F. He was nice enough to vacate the premise for us to get some beautiful shots, though it was stinky and smelly. On picture though, Jerry was able to capture it so beautifully, and that is why I love his work.]

[Like a scene out of Broadway, with the lighting, which is natural by the way]

[Again, trying to work with the wind and get more texture of my dress. I'm glad I wore something more formal than casual. It made for a wonderful shoot.]

[Joe is looking at his watch because he was bored that the shoot was all about me...hehehe]

[This is what I call porn...hahaha]

[The infamous shoes shot]

[Another perspective, so cool...]

[My handsome man who will be my fiance. Am I not the luckiest woman on earth? Also a little biased maybe? hehehe]

The catholic way

Miss Dumpling over at Weddingbee did a little research on what a catholic wedding mass entails, a full wedding mass and it is summarized (though not much a summary). This is very useful information as I too am having a full catholic mass and is in the process of designing the program. I was just thinking of leaving it out altogether as our guests are mostly Catholic, but now that I kind of have a summary, I might include something in the program by way of summarizing of what's to come.

"The Order of Mass The Mass is divided into five parts: gathering and entrance rite, Liturgy of the Word, marriage rite, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and concluding rite. The service should last a bit over an hour.

The gathering and entrance rite is a procession of the celebrant priest and deacon, the attendants, and the bride and groom to the altar. The priest greets the community and blesses them. There may be a penitential rite, which consists of a communal prayer for mercy and forgiveness, followed by a prayer or song called the Gloria.

The Liturgy of the Word consists of three readings from the Bible, chosen by the couple, all of which will probably have something to do with marriage. Friends and family members will be chosen to read the Scripture. First will be a reading from the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament; then a psalm, either read from the Book of Psalms, or a song based on one; then a reading from the New Testament. There will also be a reading from one of the four Gospels, preceded by a special Alleluia prayer or song called the Gospel Acclamation. (Christians who are able to do so should remain standing during the reading from the Gospel.) After the Gospel, the officiant will give a short homily reflecting on the marriage that is about to take place.

The marriage rite follows. The familiar exchange of vows and of rings will take place first, sealing the marriage. (This may seem anticlimactic to those who are used to seeing this part happen at the very end.) After the rings are exchanged, the Mass continues. Prayers for the newlyweds, for the community, and for various groups of people will be offered up.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist is when Communion is offered to the congregation. Bread and wine will be blessed and prepared to become the Eucharistic meal. We will pray the Lord’s Prayer together, then spend a few moments to offer one another a sign of peace in the form of a handshake or hug. Then the bread and wine will be distributed.

The concluding rite consists of a blessing of the community and of the newlyweds, a dismissal, and a recessional song. Guests should wait until the wedding party and priest has left before leaving their seats to exit the church."

I <3 my photographer

Just as soon as I was engaged, I found Weddingbee. Within that circle, I found my wedding inspirations. I also found the most important piece of my wedding day, my photographer. Not one to care too much about photography before I got engaged, I suddenly became obsessed. I started looking at every wedding albums of friends who precede me in the wedding march, and I started browsing albums after albums online. But after all that, I was still in the dark about the photography style I like. One thing I learn from weddingbee and confirmed in my search is that I do like that candid style.

One of the first vendors I set out to search for was a photographer. During one of the first wedding fair Joe and I went to, we found a photographer we like. What we liked even more was the pricing, less than $4K. We set up an appointment right there an then. The following weekend, we arrived at a makeshift studio (it was actually a living of a house). We went over some albums and looked at some pictures and discussed pricing. We definitely liked the price, and the pictures will do. So we got a quote for what we're looking for and we went home.

Joe like them enough so he encourages me to book them. I liked them enough, but for some reason, I can't get myself to put down a deposit. What's great about them is that they also offer an in house photographer for a fairly decent price, less than $1,500. Still, I can't get myself to book them. I continue to browse for a photographer. One day, I found a review post on Weddingbee about Jerry Yoon Photography.

I contacted him right away. I was pretty detailed in my needs/wants/expectation in my initial email. I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email 5 minutes later, with a note saying that he was on his way out to have a shoot that day but wanted to respond to the inquiries nevertheless. I liked him already.

I didn't think much of it again, until a couple of months later when I abruptly awaken in the middle of the night and realized that I still haven't booked a photographer. So, I contacted Jerry again and was pleasantly surprised by his prompt response and encouragement to continue browsing other photographers to understand the styles I liked and get back to him if I was still interested. This time, I responded right away expressing my interest to set up a meeting.

The meeting went well. We met in Berkeley at a hotel bar. I find his calmness and easy-going nature to be comforting, and I liked him right away. After a brief discussion on pricing, and browsing through albums after albums, we headed to our separate ways. A week later, Joe and I booked him. Mind you at the time, I still didn't know what photography I like. I knew I was attracted to his shoots, but only until very recently was I confirmed that I absolutely love his styles. Check out some of his recent shots (Source for all pictures below: Jerry Yoon Photography)
He loves playing with lighting and architecture. I realize this may not be everybody's cup of tea, as it may make you fade into the background and the backdrop is precedented.

Another pic with a beautiful backdrop

A wedding he shot previously at the St. Joseph Cathedral. This is where our ceremony will be held. It's a beautiful church, beautifully captured by Jerry.

Anxiously waiting for our ePics

I've been stalking my photographer's blog, more so than before, since our engagement photo shoot two weeks ago. Yesterday, he posted a blog about his coming busy schedule with traveling and wedding shoots. Right away, I shot him an email asking about the expected time line for our engagement sessions. I didn't expect to get the pictures soon because he does post editing on all of the pictures, so that will take a lot more than than a couple of weeks. However, I'm anxious to just see any pictures from the shoot.

It was a pleasant surprise to hear back from him right away saying to expect a post about our shoot in the next couple of days. I was so excited! Of course, Joe and I will be hitting F5 key (refresh) on our computer until the key fades into existence. I just really really want to see the pictures. He only let me see one picture during our shoot and I was very pleasantly surprised by his talent. I can't wait to see more!

Our wedding colors

I think as soon as I got engaged I began looking at wedding porn. There were so many possibilities, especially with wedding colors. I mean, how do you commit to just a few colors when there are so many beautiful colors out there, and you can do so much with it. Ultimately, I decided on 3 colors, discussed it with Joe, and made a decision together that no matter what happened, we will stick with these colors.
Well, since that decision was made, I noticed that there were a lot of brides out there with these color scheme. But we made our decision and will stick to it. The more time passes, the more in love I am with our wedding colors.

I also found this inspiration board at Snippet and Ink and it completely depicts the feel of what I think my wedding should be:
How did you decide on your wedding colors?

The wedding dress

On April 26, 2008, Joe was out of town for the weekend for work, soI utilized the time sans-fiance to bring my maid of honor/sister Tera and my mother to go dress shopping. I had planned to visit two local bridal shops Elegant Lace and Bella Mia Bride in San Jose, CA. I chose these places as opposed to the ever popular places such as Trudy's in Campbell because Trudy's is said to be extremely expensive, and that these places carry Maggie Sottero gowns. Based on my research, I find Maggie Sottero designs and style to be so beautiful, timeless and sleek. One of her designs that I absolutely love is the Coco.

This was one of the first dresses I found when I arrived at Elegant Lace. I asked the salesperson to point me right to the Maggie Sottero section and I spotted this number right away and had to try it on. I continued to talked to the sales person and she got a feel for the styles I was looking for. She automatically pointed me to some that are similar in design. Little did I know that I found THE DRESS amongst one of those suggested.

I met with Amanda, my consultant and she helped me put on THE DRESS first. I loved that dress. The moment I put it on I felt so beautiful in it and Amanda right away comment how this dress just fits me. I came out and my mother and my sister loved it! As I stepped onto the step surrounded by mirrors, it noticed how it just accentuates my body, my curves and just appropriately downplay all the flaws. Everyone agreed it was beautiful and perfect. The only downfall is that it was above my budget of $1,000. The dress was going for about $1,300, which I have to say isn't that high above the budget and not exactly beyond my mean.

Since this was the first dress that I tried on, we couldn't just decide on the spot. I even committed to not buy that day, even though Amanda was willing to throw in 10% off. So, the next dress is the Coco mentioned above. It is also beautiful but doesn't give you that feeling. It is taffeta and maybe because it was too big for me (the one I tried on is a size 14). I also loved it and the best thing is it was going for approximately $800. I tried on another dress, I don't even know what the brand is because I was so set on the first dress. I slipped out of it quickly and slipped back into THE DRESS. I came out again and it just validates why I loved it. It is made up silk, with a long train but felt lighter than all the other ones I tried on. the details are exquisite with minimal lace and beads, which I know I preferred. Being a picky bride with an even picker MOH, the bottom of the dress is made from one piece of fabric, which helps with the flow of the dress meaning it is not made up multiple separate pieces that are sewn together to make the train.

Of course, I am further validated when another bride was there came over with her bridesmaid I'm assuming and comment on how beautiful it looked. She even noticed that it was the first dress that I tried on as she noticed it when I first stepped out with it. The more we looked at it, the more I fall in love with it.

I left Elegant Lace and went to Bella Mia Bride to try on several other Maggie Sottero dresses but none of them even came close to the feeling I got from THE DRESS. My mother and MOH agreed and we left quickly after we went in. I will probably go to several other shops, maybe even Trudy's to try to find THE DRESS, but I quickly decided that that was going to be THE DRESS, now it's just a matter of putting in the order. Without further ado...I present THE DRESS: Anjolique Style #930 in Godavari Silk.

My best friend's wedding

Not only am I planning my own wedding, but I'm also planning one of my best friend's wedding. Sarah and I had been friends since college, and at the time, she was dating my now other best friend, Priyan. For complicated reasons, they broke up near the end of our college years. I've been there for Sarah during this very complicated and emotional breakup. After three years of complication, she finally was able to move on and met a very good guy, a guy she dated 10 years before in middle school. It's funny because I had a hand in their get together that eventually turned into a marriage proposal, more on that later.

Sarah's wedding is to occur 1 month after mine. It's going to be a very very busy spring for me because not only will I be busy at work during this time, but I have my own wedding to plan as well as be the maid of honor for Sarah. So far, the wedding planning process is great because we get to share this very personal and intimate times of our lives with each other. While I decide on wedding colors, she's going through the same thing. While I am picking my florist, she's picking her photographer. It is extremely rewarding to have a friend share in the excitement of wedding planning, because after all, unless you're a bride, you really don't care to hear about the trial and tribulations that go along with flowers and hairstyles. LOL.

On that note, Sarah and her girls got together this past Saturday to have our first bridesmaid dress fitting. Sarah's color is black, white and red. She absolutely adores red, so it's only natural. However, when we went to get our dresses fitted at David's Bridal, they don't have the dress color in all of our sizes. We ended up with a rainbow of colors that will put Skittles to shame. Check us out:
From left: Sugah, Myra, Sarah (the bride in her actual dress), Gila, Sandy and myself (MOH).
There is one bridesmaid missing in the group because she couldn't stay long enough til the end when this picture was taken.

The dress was a very good choice. Everybody is in love with it. The actual dress will be the one in the red, but I thought the multicolor dress pays tribute to this wedding Stinkerpants

What's in a monogram

In all the hustle and bustle of wedding planning, I did a lot of research on invitations. There is one common theme that I noticed in most of the invitations, monograms. I didn't know too much, nor did I care about monograms before I became engaged. After spending way too much hours looking at wedding porn, I noticed that those with monograms that are carried throughout their wedding have clean and consistent look. I tried exploring several options, and designing them myself, but nothing seemed to work right. Plus, I didn't know how I felt about using our Joe's last name initial before the wedding. So, I scratched the idea but have always loved the way they look in other weddings I seen.

Recently however, I decided to give it another shot in designing our monogram. It took about 5 minutes, and I absolutely love it. However, it is a bit too late in the game to incorporate this into our wedding since the invitations have been made and the majority of the other paper decisions have been started. Also, it still uses our new last name initial, so I'd like to save it to use after the wedding as a symbol of our new family.
I loved this monogram because I love the look of black and white. It pays tribute to my love for damask. Unlike other brides, I don't have experience with Photoshop, even though I have the program. I find it very hard to use. So, I did a lot of my design in Microsoft Powerpoint and turn it into a jpg picture to use for my purposes. I think doing it this way is extremely inefficient, but I don't have the time to learn to use Photoshop and I don't care to. I'll definitely have more tutorial on the creation of this bad boy.


I've found the most beautiful wedding centerpiece to date, and I looked at a lot of centerpieces from the Knot,, Weddingbee. The picture is from Jessica and Chris's wedding (you can check out their blog), taken by Nicole Green.
Source: Nicole Green Photography

The centerpiece is fresh, elegant, modern and completely DIY'able. I will definitely have to consider this option for my own wedding.

What's in a name

I changed my name in August, not my last name, but my first name.

I was a foreign to this country, born and raised in Vietnam. I came here when I was 10 years old. Naturally, I had a Vietnamese name. Because the name is long and hard to pronounce, I decided to go have an English name for social use. My parents baptized me as Elisabeth Vietnamese name, I decided to go with Elisabeth, with a slight spelling variation, Elyzabeth. The name stuck.

When I became a citizen, I thought I can change it legally to the preferred name. No such luck because I was under 18 when I became a citizen. As such, I became a citizen naturally through my parents. They didn't let me change my first name. I went on to use Elyzabeth on a social basis, but legally I still had my Vietnamese name.

Fast forward a few years when I graduated college and of the marrying age. Through personal preference, I knew I was not going to marry a Vietnamese man. I knew I wanted to change my last name to take that of my future husband's. However, I didn't really really care until I was proposed to. My fiance is white. He has a white last name. I plan on taking that white last name. It will clash with my Vietnamese name. So in August 2008, I finally got off my lazy butt and filled out the form to change my name legally. It was quite a process and I'll talk about it in more detail in a later post. But the one major misconception that I want to clarify: YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR FIRST NAME ALONG WITH YOUR CHANGE IN LAST NAME THROUGH MARRIAGE. So with that said, I had to go and change my first name first. I had to change everything along with it including social security, driver license, credit cards, etc. Now that I'm married, I have to go through it again, only this time, it wouldn't be as costly and will not take as much time to go through the court system.

I'm glad I made that decision to do so, because now the name flows much better. But talk about the lost of identity, within a few months, I had a completely new name, with only my maiden name as a reminder of who I was. Before it was:
First name, middle name, mother's maiden name, last name
I then changed it to:
Elyzabeth, mother's maiden name, last name
In marriage, I become:
Elyzabeth, maiden last name, new last name
I don't regret doing it because well I've always been known as Elyzabeth. It will just be a natural progression, so long as you commit to it and that you know you want to do this for yourself. I'm loving my new name.

Wrap Me

Just a note to self, this would come really handy when the wedding approaches. A wedding in March in California can be very chilly. This may come in handy indeed. They can be found at The Skin Secret for a great deal.

All about the Eagles this season

Joe is a big Eagle's fan. I've never been a football fan. Since being with him though, we watch football every Sunday during football season. Since then, I've picked up a thing or two about football. This season however, I caved and let Joe ordered Sunday football ticket through DirecTV since the Eagles games aren't usually shown out here in California. He was absolutely grateful.

So, since I'm a regular football watcher, I ordered a McNabb #5 jersey upon the news that I will be going to the Niners vs. Eagles game on 10/12/2008. I'm such a traitor; someone who was raised in the Bay Area and will be sporting a different team jersey. Oh wells.

Needless to say, I will be adorning something Eagles on our wedding day as well. I purchased Eagles garter to sport under my dress as a surprise for Joe. I hope he likes it.

More proof why I love pinkd

I love pink. My wedding colors are black, white and pink (I know, not too original). But these shoes are so precious (and very pricey) that I will never be able to afford it.
The most expensive - Moschino Pump with Rosette - $540 @ Nordstrom
Kate Spade Ginger - $328 @ Nordstrom
Kate Spade Gesture - $298 @ Nordstrom
My personal favorite - Kate Spade Lovely - $298 @ Nordstrom

I need to go find something more affordable though. But they are just the most delicate, most lovely pink shoes I've seen.

The engagement story

Growing up, I never ever thought about what my wedding was going to be like. Even when I was dating my ex of 6 years, we never really seriously thought about a wedding. It's interesting though because that became the turning point in this relationship with Joe. As soon as we started dating, maybe it's because I am of a different age where marriage is closer to the horizon, we started to seriously think about marriage right away. With the consideration leads to serious thoughts. So, eight months after our first date, he proposed.

Now, I've always been a private person, not one to particularly like public display of affection. Joe knows that. On March 14, 2008, Joe was down south in San Diego for about 1 month doing Marine Corps training. We never liked to be apart, so the distance after 2 weeks was killing us. We got into a fight that night and I hung up. When the anger subsided, I called him back around 10pm to say make peace and say good night. I thought it was particular odd the noise in the background, so I asked him where he is. Not one to be able to hide any secret, Joe confessed that he's driving, and that he's been driving for the past 2 hours, heading towards home to San Jose. I told him to turn back right away because it wasn't worth him coming back when he has to be back to San Diego by Monday morning to report to class, but he wouldn't have it. He urged me to go to bed and that I'll see him in a few more hours. So of to bed I went.

At 4:00am, I heard the lock opened, and there he was in the flesh. We hugged and held each other for a long time, and there in my bed under the crumpled sheets and I make-upless, he proposed to me. There was no ring, there was no formality, just me and him in the night, and I said yes.

It was the most perfect proposal, and despite me never having thought about it, it was exactly how I like it, at hindsight. No fuss. Just two people who want to be committed to each other.

We got up the next morning and were out the door by 10am. We headed to the mall and straight into Kay's Jeweler, where I continued my shopping and he went shopping for my ring. Prior to that, we had talked about getting engaged, and I made it known my ring preference: solitaire, no bigger than 1 carat, white gold/platinum, princess cut. However, he still wants the formality of picking out the ring on his own. So, he ended up getting me a white gold, princess cut, 3/4 carat solitaire. It was perfect.

But, there was a catch, I couldn't see it until he asked my parents. So off to my parents' we went. I went straight to my sister's room while he stayed outside in the living room with my parents to state his intentions. I didn't know what went down, but apparently he was extremely nervous and most importantly, my parents said yes. So the ring went on my finger after we got home from that trip, but not without a little scavenger hunt around our apartment.

I wore it to a birthday party that night for a friend, with it lose around my finger all night. But we were so happy and elated from the engagement that we didn't care, so long as I was careful not to lose it. It got shipped out the following day for resize (stock came in size 7 and I was a size 5.5). I got it back 2 weeks late and it had been on my finger since then.

Engagement Photoshoot

On Monday, 9/29/2008, Joe and I headed to S.F. at around 5pm to meet with our photographer, Jerry Yoon of Jerry Yoon Photography

I found Jerry on Weddingbee and I fell in love with his styles. I didn't know how much I love his style until I researched other photographers. His style is fresh, modern, candid, and he definitely likes to play with lights.

I was extremely anxious to have this shoot with him. Joe and I both take the day off of work. I went to the MAC makeup counter by 1pm to get my make up done. I have to say they did a really good job at covering me up with not a whole lot of make up. They did a wonderful job with my eyes using the color scheme I asked for because I know I look best in it. I was done with my makeup by 2pm, grabbed an bite to eat, and headed home to change and headed to SF by 3:30pm and ready for the shoot.

Jerry instructed us to meet at Townsend and Ritch, which I found to be right in front of the AT&T ball park. When we arrived at the intersection, we were surprised to find a lot of alley ways around the street. They were pretty much deserted, had a lot of characters and Joe and I became more anxious to get started. We had a friend of Joe with us at the time because he just arrived to California from Philly and wanted to check out the city. So we let him loose while we do the shoot. It was an amazing shoot with a lot of fun and ease, and I'll have to write more about it when I get the pictures back.

For now, I leave you with what I wore to the shoot. I intended to wear a formal dress and change into a less formal outfit with jeans and a casual shirt. However, when we get there it was so windy that the dress was perfect and the color was so vibrant against the backdrops that we decided to just stick with one outfit.

Here's the dress on the model. It was originally going for $138. I got it on sale for $68. I loved it. I liked the back because it is still sexy and it's able to cover the tattoo on my back. As much as I love my tattoo, I don't really want it to show, but I can't really avoid it with the wedding dress though ;)