Bathroom Basket

I will definitely need to be prepare to bring these things to the hotel because without them, it is going to be bad! Come on MOH, do your duty!

Women’s bathroom

  1. Advil
  2. Bandaids
  3. Hairspray
  4. Bobby pins
  5. Breath mints
  6. Gum
  7. Mouthwash
  8. Floss
  9. Comb
  10. Brush
  11. Contact lens solution
  12. Safety pins
  13. Q-tips
  14. Nail file
  15. Nail glue
  16. Tampons
  17. Sanitary Napkins
  18. Tissues
  19. Hand Lotion
  20. Perfume
  21. Hair elastics
  22. Q tips
  23. Lint brush
  24. Paper hand towels
  25. Cotton ball/pads
  26. Bleach pen
  27. Lotion

Men’s Bathroom

  1. Cologne
  2. Mouthwash
  3. Breath Mints
  4. Gum
  5. Gel
  6. Hairspray
  7. Comb
  8. Bandaids
  9. Advil
  10. Condoms

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