Sarah's bridal shower: the execution

Last weekend, I threw a bridal shower for my friend Sarah, who's getting married one month after me. I have previously wrote about the decorations, so now to recap the day of. The shower is a appetizer and dessert soiree, and boy did we have a lot of food to feed about 15 people.
The mother of the bride provided the appetizers and the bridesmaids provided the desserts.
We also had cheesecake. It was yummy!

We played two games: make the bride's dress (out of toilet paper) and letter to the groom/bride
My dog even tried to get into the mix. hahaha. The first one was the winner, so here is the team that won with the bride-to-be.

The next game is called letter to the groom. Individually, each person gets a list of 50 popular candies. The object of the game is write a letter to either the groom or the bride (the writer assuming the other person - i.e. bride writing to groom or groom to bride), using as many candies as possible and being as creative as possible. After five minutes, the bride read each letter aloud and pick the most creative with the most use of candies. It was much more fun than I thought. Here, the bride is reading the letters aloud to everyone.
After the game, we cut the cake and open gifts.
We took some formal portraits with the guests and the bridal party
I don't know what was so funny here, but I'm glad we got a picture of it.
A more serious pose. Cute! (Notice the matching bridal party shirts. I made these previously for her wedding, similar to the ones I made for mine.)

We called it a day after about 6 hours. It was a relaxing day with just good friends and good food. Sarah seemed to have really enjoyed herself.

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