Last day of work

Today is my last day at work before I went on vacation to prepare for the wedding. I am extremely blessed to have an employer who is willing to accommodate to special events in one's life and I do feel that they do everything in their power to allow me to take the time off. On the flip side though, the work still needs to get done and taking off a week before the wedding just tighten the time frame I have to get the work done. I've been working like mad this past week (typical hours is from 9am-10pm). Still there is a lot to do left, but at least the tasks to be done are transitionable to other people.

I am getting extremely anxious now that the week of our wedding will finally arrive. We are setting up meetings with vendors in order to finalize the last minute details. Our communication with distant family members are increasing as we are planning for their arrival. To think, everyone is gathering in one place to celebrate with us and bless us with their support. A marriage is not just about the union of two people, but it is a union of two families. I have always been a proponent of elopement, but at times like these, when you do your wedding right, you'd be able to reap all the love and support exuding from your family that it is priceless. Not to say that there is anything wrong with elopements, certain circumstances calls for it, but if given the opportunity, do your wedding right. It really is a one in a lifetime opportunity to have so many people celebrate you. Bask in it!

And in 8 days (single digit counting had begun), I will call this man that I chosen "husband", and all will be right with the world:
photo via [Jasmine Star Photography]

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