Thank you very much

I have spent the past few nights (instead of doing other things that I should be doing) writing our thank you cards. Unfortunately for me, I had to write all thousand of them and Joe can't help since he has terrible writing! So, this was the one wedding task that I had to take on by myself, but I'll forgive him since he was an active participant during our wedding planning process.

Thankfully, after a few nights, all of them are completed and are on their way to the recipients. Joe dropped it off this morning; this was his one contribution to the thank you cards.

After the wedding, I was planning on custom design our thank you card with the gocco. But, I completely just ran out of steam and could not for the life of me bust out the wonder machine. Since I wanted to get the writing out of the way, I resorted to ordering them through Shutterfly. They have generic design thank you cards where you can upload your own photos, and we decided on a 4-photo template. Unfortunately, they did not have pink to coordinate with our whole wedding color scheme, but at this point, I didn't care too much and picked the traditional blue cards. Other than that, the process was pretty easy where I uploaded four of my favorite wedding pictures (graciously sent by our fab photog for this single purpose only). I was pleasantly surprised by the result when they arrive at our doorstep about 2 weeks after clicking purchase. They were a bit pricey, came out to approximately $80 for 50 cards, but it sure did beat me having to slave over the design of a custom card.

I was glad I went this route because if I hadn't, we probably would be late to send out our thank you cards or scrap the entire project in and of itself. The wedding tasks is officially over...well, except for maybe sorting out the mess that is still sitting in the garage and try and sell anything we can.

Without further ado, here is what the guests will see when they open it.

One Sweet Day: Such a teaser

While I was in a meeting at work today, my blackberry did its little buzzing to notify me that I have an email. I scanned to see if it was something important that needed immediate response and I saw my photographer's email with an attachment. I opened to see what it is and lo and behold, it was our wedding teasers. I was so excited that I almost screamed! Of course, I had to wait another two hours for the meeting to be over to open the attachments. Though I could have opened it on the blackberry, I wanted to savor the pictures and see it in its glory, so the wait continues. I won't do the same to you though, so here they are in all their glory. I can't wait to see what else our fabulous photographer has in store for us!